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Join RSCDS London

Fill the form below to take out new membership

  • Select how you want The Reel

  • Select your payment method

  • Double check the information before you send it

  • Submit the form before you click through to payment

New membership
Before you start, please confirm this is

Joint membership is for two adults, same postal address

Membership category

How would you like to receive The Reel?

Paper copy,  fees as above, or as eReel (reduced fee)

Preferred Reel format

Select preferred payment option, then follow links at right

Payment method

Please double check the information before you send it

Please read our Privacy Policy

Thank you for sending your information

If you are renewing membership or telling us of changes to your details, it's not this page, click above.

Fill in the application and click the send button before you click through to payment options:

BACS information

Name:         RSCDS London Branch

Sort code:  12-11-03

Account:     00737821   

Reference:  LastName Initial Subs Year

eg:                Bloggs F Subs 2024

Got a question on payment?

Email the Treasurer!

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Reg Charity No 1067690

Copyright 2022

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